Privacy Policy

We respect your personal data.

Personal Information

Under no circumstances do we sell, rent or distribute your personal information (including your email address, name, or anything else you entered in your profile) to third-parties entities. Only our system administrators and our support team have access to your data. You can amend and remove any information at any time, from your profile page.

We have striven to make sure that we ask as little personal information as possible throughout the website, both for speakers and for regular participants.

Speakers are asked to submit additional personal information, part of which will become public (eg: full bio). The talk submission form explains what data will be published and what data will be kept private, and each speaker can preview his/her public page before it is made public and can amend its contents at any time.

Participants can optionally opt-in to publish their profile page to other PyCon Italy participants, to help connect during the event.

SPAM-Free Warranty

We will not sell or rent your email to other entities. We respect your choices.

If you subscribe to our newsletter or mailing list, your email address will be used only to deliver list messages, and will not otherwise be used or shared. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the link at the bottom of each email.

If you opt-in to receive job offerings from our sponsors that are looking for hires, no personal information (including name and email address) will be shared with those sponsors: and all emails will go through our systems to protect your privacy. You can opt out at any time from your profile page.

Removing your information

If you want to wipe your account and all the information, you need to write us an email requesting so.

Our staff will erase your data from all files, database records and backups. You will be informed at the end of the process. Information cannot be restored afterwards.

The only exception to data wiping is invoices: if you have bought something on our website, we are legally required to preserve the invoices for 5 years after the emission.

The legal owner of the website

This website is run by:

Associazione di Promozione Sociale Python Italia
Via San Quirico 233/2 - 50013 Campi Bisenzio (FI)

A non-profit association, legally registered in Italy. To contact us, please visit the contact page.