
Write portable CI/CD pipelines using Python

Sunday, May 28

15:50 - 16:20
Audience levelIntermediate
Elevator pitch

In this talk, you will learn how to write a CI/CD pipeline with Python and how to run it locally as well as on any CI/CD platform.


Dagger is a programmable CI/CD engine that runs your pipelines in containers with several advantages against other CI/CD tools, like local testing, portability and out of the box caching.

In this session we will use the Dagger Python sdk to write a simple CI/CD pipeline, we will test it locally and then run it on some CI/CD platforms…. all live on stage!

If you’re tired of doing tens of commits just to fix your pipeline written in some proprietary YAML format, or want to be independent on the platform where your pipelines run, this session is for you!

TagsDocker, DevOps, Deployment/Continuous Integration
participant photo

Filippo Pinton

DevOps engineer at THRON