NLP and healthcare: an extremely interesting and innovative sector. With a little text analytics and NLP, the possibilities for making the most of your data are endless! Let’s look at an open-source alternative in the field of NLP for the clinical domain and how to make the most of it.
NLP represents a field with myriad opportunities for real-life use cases: one of the best examples is the healthcare sector, where medical research and patient care can rely on different technologies that can enhance the information that has already been collected. Many companies lease commercial NLP software, but which are the open source alternatives? Let’s discover MedSpaCy, a library of tools for performing clinical NLP with a real-use case application!
I started programming in VB when I was 6 taking advantage of my father’s strong passion for computer science. I’ve always dreamt to be an engineer and I’ve worn different “hats”: data scientist, data analyst, web developer, sysadmin… This gave me the opportunity to gain experience in the design and dev of solutions from scratch. During the day I’m an Enterprise Architect, while I love writing at night when I get a hot cup of tea!